EKKO_Project™ GPR Software
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Locate Performance Management
Information requires interpretation: transform GPR data into informed decisions.
EKKO_Project is a GPR processing and reporting software that makes powerful GPR analysis simple – giving you more time to interpret the data, extract your insights and drive informed decisions for your project.
EKKO_Project™, is designed to empower utility locators, concrete scanners, archaeologists, law enforcement, geoscientists, environmental scientists, geotechnical engineers, and other practitioners to visualize GPR data and turn it into usable information and reports.
EKKO_Project GPR software is compatible with all Sensors & Software GPR systems that export GPR data.
With its focus on visualizing, understanding, and reporting GPR subsurface information, EKKO_Project is a critical tool for companies seeking to know what's below, reduce project risks, and better manage and protect underground assets.
For more information, data examples and to download EKKO_Project software, please visit Sensors & Software.
A single file retains all field interpretations, geospatial data, and view settings. Spend less time managing data and more time understanding it.
Navigate project data, add notes and interpretations, and see different visualizations to analyze your GPR survey quickly & efficiently.
Multiple positioning options (GPS, Latitude-Longitude, UTM, Local XY, grids, pseudo grids) provide a spatial view of your entire project space.
Estimate the distance from the surface to the top of the object, typically within 10% accuracy, and visualize it in relation to other objects in your project space.
Visualize GPR data in more ways, increase your understanding of results, help find subtle targets in the subsurface that are not always apparent.
Map survey paths, turn interpretations into usable insights and reports, and export in many formats to suit your project and audience.
Easily create professional reports that can help market your services and present your results.
Evaluate results, learn from findings, use this information to provide feedback to data collection teams, and improve field collection practices.
For reference in future projects or risk mitigation, easily revisit your analysis, see where you collected data, and view or edit reports by opening a single project file.